The Voice Dialogue Institute

In May, 2006, over 700 people gathered together in Seattle at The Sacred Activism Conference
sponsored by Wisdom University to hear some of our most dedicated and passionate political and spiritual leaders including Robert Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Myss, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard and other luminaries explore the possibilities of a positive future for our country and our planet. So many of us still believe in the goodness of humanity and that a future based on love and cooperation is still within reach.

How do we begin?

In a world spiraling into chaos, with a media that presents us with relentless images of hatred and destruction on a daily basis, can any one of us help to birth the kind of changes our hearts and minds dream for this Earth? How can we move beyond the polarization, conflict and fear that splinter our imagination and creativity? How can we move past “us against them?”

Art by Deborah Koff-Chapin

This intimate connection between our own shadow and the darkness around us holds tremendous promise. It is possible to learn how to use the negative judgments we all have of others as a life-giving tool for transformation. On an inner level this can help each of us locate what needs healing inside us, be more in touch with what is most important to us, and have more of our spirit, resources, and creativity available. On an outer level we can work through these inner conflicts in a way that allows us to actually help shapeshift the world and turn the wheel of possibility.

“Just taking that first tiny step is the most powerful action of all. In that choosing, you actually
fertilize the seed of your longing and begin the process of actualization.” Richard Berger

October 6-8, 2006 – Seattle
We invite you to begin a personal revolution toward creating a new future
by joining us on a journey of empowerment with
Miriam Dyak and Cassandra Cosme of The Voice Dialogue Institute, and
Richard Berger, a recipient of the Ordinary People – Extraordinary Outcomes Award.
The cost of the entire weekend is $145

The workshop will be held in Seattle - Location to be announced.

Friday evening and Saturday – we will explore our inner landscape, learn
     to access our own empowerment and creativity directly through our
     negative judgments, and experience a new place of internal balance
from which to take action in the world.

Sunday – each of us will formulate a seed vision, a concrete next step
     toward making a positive difference in the world. No matter how
     “large” or “small” your vision appears, it is your gift from the heart
     and is without question a powerful expression of hope and change.

Perhaps only a few of us will influence change on a global scale, but it is within all our grasps – every single one of us – to revolutionize who we are, to move toward “becoming the change” and living the change that we choose for the world.

At this “Next Step” weekend in October we will begin to liberate our own blocked energy and create new levels of harmony and balance in our lives so that we can ground and realize our dreams in the world. We look forward to seeing you there.

We invite you to register online.
The cost of the entire weekend is $145

If you have any questions, please feel free to for more information
or give us a call at 206-932-1151.

The Voice Dialogue Institute Presents:

Taking the Next Step...
Manifesting Your Heart’s Dream For The Earth

Each and every one of us is a living hologram that holds the bigger picture. We carry inside us many of the same conflicts that demonstrate so strongly in the world. We also carry within us the promise of the future!

Our personal lives are inextricably woven together with the life of the world – the state of the world – whether we like it or not. This means that in the ways that we do not own our own inner struggle, do not make peace with our own inner warring tribes, our shadow shows up in our relationships, in our marriages, in our children, in our parents, in our tribal, political, financial, and religious conflicts.

We invite you to register online.
The cost of the entire weekend is $145

Or     Please feel free to give us a call at 206-932-1151

Miriam Dyak is a therapist and teacher who is constantly inspired by her work. She is also the author of The Voice Dialogue Facilitator’s Handbook and loves seeing people take the apparent negatives of life and relationship and turn them into a precious resource for growth and change. In addition to being a counselor, Miriam is a sweat lodge and ceremony leader and the author of three books of poetry, including In Celebration of Planet Earth. She was active in the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960’s and has been actively involved in women’s spirituality and women’s counseling since the early 1970’s. Miriam is co-founder of The Voice Dialogue Institute and has a private practice in Seattle where she works with both individuals and couples. She is also a senior staff teacher at Thera, the institute of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, originators of the Voice Dialogue method which offers a key to positive transformation in our relationships, both with ourselves and others.

Cassandra Cosme is a mother of six, a grandmother of three with a black belt in the martial arts. Cassandra is a dedicated counselor and teacher of The Voice Dialogue method. She loves witnessing the profound shifts her clients are able to bring into their lives through this work - for over ten years working with this tool for conscious change has been a great passion both in her personal and professional life. Cassandra is a senior staff member at Thera the Institute of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, originators of the Voice Dialogue method. She is a co-founder of The Voice Dialogue Institute and has a private practice in Redmond, Washington, where she works with individuals and couples. Cassandra trained as a Childbirth Educator and doula and facilitated new mother/baby groups in the 80’s, and she also has a life-long passion for all forms of movement and dance.

Richard Berger is an entrepreneur who managed to turn his great love of natural crystals and fossils into a world-renowned business. His company, Museum Associates, has placed numerous major specimens in private collections and museums around the world. He is currently working to establish a non-profit Museum of The Earth designed to help people reconnect with their core wonder and with the “magic” of the planet so they may be inspired to help protect the Earth. Richard is one of the recipients of the Ordinary People Extraordinary Outcomes Award at the 2006 Sacred Activism Conference in Seattle for creating a humanitarian effort that shipped over 150,000 emergency survival blankets to the people in Pakistan who had lost their homes in the 2005 earthquake. For over 25 years Richard has been developing an understanding of what is needed for us to create lives of integrity that are more fully resonant with our heart’s calling.

Photo by Jon Lok, Seattle Times

Presenters for

Taking the Next Step...
Manifesting Your Heart’s Dream For The Earth

The Voice Dialogue Institute
offers an inspired, unique and reliable way for people to move beyond both inner and outer conflicts, open their creative potential, and develop a deeper natural intimacy in relationships. We welcome both professionals and lay people to our trainings and workshops.

We invite you to register online.
The cost of the entire weekend is $145

Or     Please feel free to give us a call at 206-932-1151